What a Franchisor Will Ask You in Your Franchise Interview | VetCor

While an interview with your potential future franchisor might sound like an intimidating event, the franchise interview is one of the best tools possible for you to assess the opportunity at hand.

Approach the interview with the franchisor as an opportunity for both of you to assess the fit of the franchise mutually instead of thinking of it as a traditional interview style. By preparing and understanding that the interview is for both of your benefits, you can relax and focus on giving the best answers possible to the questions you will likely be asked.

What Are Your Goals in Franchising?

Both you and the franchisor come to the franchise agreement with goals in mind—you regarding the goals for your career, and the franchisor regarding goals for their brand. Making sure these goals are compatible will help you both assess whether or not the franchise is a good fit for you. This is where you can talk about things such as your long-term career plans, what you want your work-life balance to look like and anything else that might be relevant to your career development in the franchising world.

What Is Your Previous Career Experience Like?

In a franchise like VetCor, many of our franchisees are recently out of the military and we always like to get an idea of what your life as a service member was like. This is a great chance to discuss any leadership opportunities you had, how you grew personally and professionally, and what you will be bringing to the table from your past experience that can help you in the world of franchising.

Why Are You Considering This Franchise to Invest In?

Being able to articulate why you are choosing both the industry and the specific franchise is useful information to bring to the table for the franchise interview. Your franchisor will want to get a sense of the motivation behind your actions and be sure that you have done your research regarding the opportunity, instead of simply hoping to buy a career in any franchising field.

Are you ready to explore what a VetCor franchise opportunity can offer? Contact us today for more information!