Must-Ask Questions for Franchise Discovery Day | VetCor

If you have been invited to a franchise discovery day, congratulations! Not every potential franchise owner makes it to a discovery day, and it is a fantastic learning opportunity as you pursue franchise ownership. You might feel unsure about what discovery day is or what you should ask, so if you’re trying to prepare, you’re in the right place!

What Is Franchise Discovery Day?

Franchise Discovery Day is a potential franchise owner’s chance to learn more about the franchise system during a face-to-face meeting, typically at the headquarters of the franchise. Generally, all the executives and even some other franchisees will be present to allow you the opportunity to ask all your questions and determine if the franchise will be a good fit for you (and vice versa). Discovery Day is one of the last steps on your franchise investment journey before you sign your purchase agreement and officially come on board.

Questions to Ask on Franchise Discovery Day

1. What is a franchisee’s typical day like? Asking this question can tell you a lot about the type of structure you can expect to have as a franchise owner within the system. Knowing what your typical workday is structured like will help you understand if the franchise is a good fit for your lifestyle and give you clues into what the work-life balance will typically be like.

2. What are some of the challenges that new franchise owners face? Every new franchisee is going to face challenges as they get their business up and running, but it is important to be prepared for the problems and be aware of how to find the solutions. Asking this question, both to the franchisor and existing franchisees, will help you anticipate some of the common roadblocks and strategize how you will avoid them in your own journey.

3. What is the company’s vision for the future? Being able to share common goals between franchisees and franchisors is an important aspect of the continued success of the business. Asking where the franchisors want to take the business will both tell you more about their vision and make sure the future of the company is something you will be equally on board with.

Are you ready to learn more about the franchise opportunities we offer? Get in touch with us to learn all about the VetCor franchising process.